You are responsible for canceling and or rescheduling your appointments.
Many patients think scheduling a new consult removes their old consult, but it does not. Please make sure you either click modify, which moves the old consult or cancel the old consult and schedule a new consult. You can log back into your account to see the changes (see example below). You will also get an email receipt confirming the change. See the instructions below for more support.
To reschedule or cancel your appointment, please follow the instructions below. There is also a video at the bottom that walks you through the entire process. Make sure you click "Reschedule" or "Cancel" your existing appointment (see image below). Scheduling a new appointment will not cancel your old appointment.

Your account needs to be registered before you can change or cancel any of your appointments. To register your account you can do this by going to and use the same email you scheduled your first consult with. If an incorrect email is used, you will not be able to modify any of your appointments.
When trying to sign in (see pictures below), the "Create One Now" button registers your account as well.

You can login to your Full Slate account at and click in the top right-hand corner. You can log in with the same email you originally scheduled with, a different email won’t have your appointment history.
If you forget your password, please click the “Request reset” button to get a new one. Once you are logged in click the appointments link. This will then show you when your appointments are as well as provide you the option to reschedule or cancel your appointment altogether by clicking the cancel or modify link.
Please keep in mind appointments can only be moved or canceled outside of 3 business days of your scheduled consult due to the clinic's cancellation policy.

Once logged in, you can click again in the top right-hand corner on the "Appointments" link to see your scheduled appointment.

Then a list of all of your appointments will be available. You will only be able to cancel an appointment that is outside of the 3 business day time frame.

You can also look for any reminder or confirmation emails from the clinic notification email address, On the bottom of every email is a link to modify or cancel your appointment. Clicking the link will take you to the same place mentioned above.

If you are having issues logging in please see the screen shot below. You may need to request a password reset or ensure your account is registered. Once you go to the sign in page (see above) the screen option below will appear.

Appointments can only be moved or canceled outside of 3 business days of your scheduled consult due to the clinic's cancellation policy.
How to change your email address log-in for Full Slate:
1. Log in to your existing account with your old email address.
2. At the top right hand corner, click "my profile".

3. Click "change" beside your old email address.

4. Enter your old and new email address in the box provided. Then "save".

5. You will get a confirmation email sent to your new email address, follow the registration process with your new email address and then you're all set!